1. No spamming.
2. No cursing/flaming.
3. Be nice. Don't hurt people's feelings.
4. Be patient. Don't keep asking the same question.
5. Follow the Official clan rules too
6. Never demand anyone to do something fiercely (e.g. GO ON AQWORLDS NOW! OR I'LL DROP YOUR SP DOWN!!!!!!!!!!)
7. Never be annoying and weird
8. Moderators get 2 warnings then a ban right away for 1-2 hours
9. Owners get a warning and then banned for for 2-4 hours.
10. No Impersonation
11. To BattleOn and stay active!
12. Be appropriate.
13. Don't go to any other Xat Chats without Fireflaming246's approval.
14. No advertising anything not important
15. No fights, be nice.
16. Follow all the rules.
Moderator Rules
1) Always try to keep chat active and happy.
2) No abusing powers what so ever
3) Come on at least once a day (Unless you have a good reason for being inactive)
4) Post at least once a day on forums
5) Always keep chat room under control
6) Never take out your powers on any other members in the King Knights Lair. Remember you wish to become a member to be looked up to. Not looking like a really stuck up member that uses his/her powers in any way you want. If you kick people and ban people for your own reasons that is not allowed. You can only kick or ban people if they break the rules. Remember that and learn it.
7) While Fireflaming246 or a Mod is working on important clan stuff please try to keep chat active and happy while they are away. But Fireflaming246 works 24/7 so please try to keep it active and chatting anyways.
8) Respect all members and help them in any way you can
9) If people come on to the chat room and they are banned, DO NOT UN-BAN them, because they are either from the magistrate clan trying to spy and annoy everyone. Or it is someone or broke the rules and is banned forever or lastly might be a betrayer or a spy in the Chat room. If you do un-ban them Fireflaming246 will find out and give you a warning or a even a ban if it's extreme, HE FORBIDS ANYONE unbanning people. Also it might be someone that is not apart of the clan and wont leave the King Knights Lair it self.
10) Don't make guest members unless they have passed the "Registeration Test", "Profile test" And lastly "Forum test". If you do make people members without them passing all of those tests Fireflaming246 will make them guests straight away.
11) If their is a fight-argument going on do your best to calm it down or at least stop it, Verbal Fights are not permitted in the clan room. If someone have a disagreement with another member, please ask them to please discuss it privately.
12) Traitors/Quitters/etc are suppose to be made GUEST on King Knights Lair and made guest AND BANNED on Visitors Lair.